Saturday, November 3, 2012

Last post for a long while...

Hello, guys!
I know judging by the title of this post that this probably isn't going to be a very optimistic one, but I encourage you to read on.
Lately I've been finding myself lacking the 3 fundamental aspects needed to be a wargamer: 1: Time, 2: Money and over all 3: Interest. I wouldn't say that I'm not as interested in history any less, that's kind of how my hobby with wargaming miniatures began, my love of history.
It's also tied to the whole money and time issue. I find that my re-entering to school has left me short of time for a rather time-consuming hobby.
I've found myself devoted to playing music over the years (since about age 10), and that has been something I can focus on moreso than I can wargaming in recent time.
So, I issue you this temporary goodbye, but first I ought to show you the Korean War infantry that I painted over the past few weeks.
Here they are (I'm missing one figure to the cats).
Naturally, my favorite post first.

Second favorite.

And the guys who use their brains and duck for once.
And so it's done. I can't say I didn't have fun painting and wargaming in the basement, normally in the winter when the woodstove is cranking. This winter, I think the basement will be filled with the sound of my friend Will and I practicing songs that I've written, none the less fun.
If there's any advice I can give wargamers, and everybody at that, it's do what you're passionate for. If it's wargaming you're passionate for (as most people reading this post, it is), do that.
Goodbye, farewell and amen, everyone. It's been a lot of fun.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A (half-@$$) painting guide for Korean War U.S./U.N. Infantry

Good morning, day, afternoon or evening, people.
Since I probably won't be getting my paint any time in the near future, I decided to experiment with some colors that I've used in the past to (kind of) mimic the OG-107 uniform, which was used by the U.S. Army, along with a number of other countries, from the 1950's to about the 1980's (I'm sure other countries still use it).
I couldn't really find any painting guides for Korean War infantry out there, so I guess I'm the first.
Anyway, here it is!

Paints you'll need:
Vallejo Buff
Vallejo Olive Grey
Vallejo Flat Brown
Vallejo Khaki
Some sort of skin tone
Vallejo Flat Black
A black wash

Step 1: The Base 
First, add a good coat of black.

Next, drybrush on Vallejo Olive Grey, then give it a black wash (I used GW's Nuln Oil). 

Step 2: Equipment check!
Give the backpack and other equipment a coat of Flat Brown.

After you do that, drybrush on some Vallejo Khaki to the equipment, but also paint the helmet khaki. I would recommend dabbing on some Vallejo Flat Brown or Olive Grey for the camouflage on the helmet cover.

This is what the helmet should look like.

Paint the straps Vallejo Buff, and highlight the helmet Buff as well.

Step 3: This is my rifle, this is my gun
Paint the M1 Garand (if your soldier's got one) Vallejo Flat Brown, and the metal parts either Flat Black or Gunmental.

Step 4: Sick kicks, bro...
Paint the flesh whatever skin tone you feel like. Just a quick fact, the Korean War was the first conflict where units in the U.S. Army were not entirely segregated. Also, a number of countries fought in it.

Paint the boots Flat Black.
The Finished product! 
Right after the wash.

Like I said, this is a pretty vague painting guide, so it's not completely historically accurate, but at least it's close.
Stay tuned!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A preview of Peter Pig's 15mm U.S. Marine riflemen (Set 1)

One of my longer titles, huh?
Anyway, I got home from school today to find a little packet from across the pond sitting in my mailbox.
You should know by now that I like to give previews of the miniatures before and after I paint them. This set is going to be for the Korean War, which I've started working on the terrain to go with it (I'll show my progress soon). I have to buy the paint for them, so progress may be a bit slow, but until then, here's the preview.
8 Miniatures in total, my favorite 2 poses are the most numerous (hooray). Like the lighting? It was taken on the lid of an old wooden box in my window sill.

A kneeling rifleman, my second favorite pose.

My favorite pose of the 3. To me, miniatures look complete with a backpack.

My least favorite pose, thankfully there are only 2 of them.

The miniatures turned around (just if your curious).

As of taking these pictures, I've based them and I'm still working on the terrain. I've got to get a company or so together, then we'll be working on the Commies. I'll try not to get too ahead of myself.
Stay tuned!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hello again, Peter Pig

Last night I ordered a set of U.S. Marines from Peter Pig in order for my new Korea range. I'm a little more motivated than in the past, but I'll show you the set I bought.
They should be arriving soon, so stay tuned!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Where to go, where to go...

I've been sort of busy with school and other things lately, so progress is incredibly slow. I've also been thinking about switching eras, from the Yugoslav Wars to the Korean War in 15mm. I think I've decided that 15mm should be the correct scale 1: Because it's cheap 2: You get a lot more for your money 3: Easier to store your freakin' minis!
Now, I know I tend to beat myself up when looking for a good era, and so far nothing has changed.
Although, I have narrowed it down to the following:
The Korean War (1950-1953): Slow, stagnant, LOTS of infantry, somewhat like WW1 but more recent, lots of countries involved.
A Civil War on a distant planet: Could be however I want it to be!
First Balkan War: Semi-modern, wouldn't really fit Force on Force...

Well, I'll be busy trying to make up my mind about what era to choose. It's leaning towards Korea, but suggest an era if you'd like!
Stay tuned!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Force on Force test game/Progress at a standstill

My friend James came over this weekend, and after a night of drinking Coke and watching "The Dictator", this morning James recommended we try Force on Force. This is my first Force on Force game in a while (I tried it with Brody, and things went over smoothly), but it's also my first "game" in the Yugoslav Wars era.
The usual table setup. Let's call it, "Foograd"

James's Croats. He's lucky, because he gets Chuckov Norrisavic. Maybe he will get another defense die...

My Bosnians.
Turn 1: James
James sneakily disperses throughout the town. Yes, there is the Challenger in the background, but he won't be using that in this game.
Turn 2: Me
I begin to advance on the town of Foograd. 
Turn 3: James
James moves one of his guys up onto the roof of a house. And takes a shot at my squad. I pass the reaction test and the turn goes as normal. 

Turn 4: Me
I take cover behind a little ridge near a treeline.

James reacts to my movement by attempting to inflict a casualty on one on me, but he fails in doing so.
Turn 5: James
James cleverly moves the same rooftop shooter to a window. He attempts to inflict a casualty on on me.

I react by moving out of the way, and preparing to assault where 2 of James's soldiers, one being Captain Petrovic.
Turn 6: Me
I launch my assault and fire at Captain Petrovic. He obtains a serious wound.

I take control of the building. 
Turn 7: James
James bugs out of the building first chance he gets. Wise choice...
Turn 8: Me
I begin to assault the building where James's "rooftop shooter" is. 
We ended the game after that and ate lunch. This is the first Bosnian-Croat game I've done, let's hope there are more in the future. Stay tuned!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Painted Bosnian/Croatian soldiers with M56 Helmets from Elhiem

While I've been enjoying the 3rd Coldplay album, X&Y (which I got in the mail a few days ago), I've also been painting those Yugoslav Wars soldiers
Really good album, one of their best in my opinion.

Anyway, here's the fireteam as a whole.

Sergeant Helmitavic looking good in his camo.

Corporal Kovac is actually the only "Bosnian" in this fireteam. I painted the Bosnian Fleur-De-Lise on his shoulders and the front of his helmet. The others (aside from the one below) are non-biased and don't have a set side.

This guy is a Croat. If you can see, I've painted the Croatian šahovnica on his helmet (on the other side as well). 

And this guy in full camo.
My Bosnian/Croatian force is up to 8 troops. I should be getting more in the future, so stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A preview of Elhiem's East German fireteam

Today was my first day of school, which I'd rate it a 8/10. A big thanks to the Peer Leaders of Belfast Area High School (along with the teachers) for their help for the freshman's first day! Making the whole first day thing less sucky and confusing.
Ah, anyway, when I got home I opened the mailbox to find my Elhiem East German firesquad there, so I brought them in and prepped them for their photo debut. Enjoy!
The fireteam from the C/O to the second-in command, to the other 2 men (how I usually do it).

The fireteam leader. We'll call him, "Sergeant Bob Helmitavic"

Sergeant Helmitavic's second in command, Corporal Csaba Kovac (alright, enough of the naming, I only tend to name the ones in command).

A look at the equipment they've got on their backs (you should be able to zoom in).

Here they are with spackling on their bases, which is how I base them now.
I like their helmets, the M56 is actually one of my favorites, but Ben of Ben's Soldiers disagrees. Ah well. These probably wouldn't suit Serbs, but rather Bosnians and Croats partially because of the helmet, which I don't think was used by Serbia.
I should have these painted up rather soon, I'll make sure to do paint them before school gets to hectic. Stay tuned!